Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fax Machines

Faxing by definition is taking a method of encoding data and sending thru a telephone line on one end and having a hard copy appear on the other end in a writing or drawing. The fax machine evolved from the creation of the telegraph. The fax machine was developed in 1843 by a Scottish mechanic named Alexander Bian. Alexander Bian received a patent for improving the production of timepieces, electric printing and the signal telegraph and eventually got to what is now known as a fax machine. The breakdown of how it work as such “devising an apparatus comprised of two pens connected to two pendulums, which in turn were joined to a wire that was able to reproduce writing on an electrically conductive surface.” Although his invention was a success it did not become popular among people till the 1980’s. In modern times, most businesses cannot function without a fax machine and it plays a vital role especially in fortune five hundred companies in relaying key information from one location to another, so what may have once been created and not so much needed became something that the business class of society cannot live without today.


  1. The fax machine is one of those things that really hit home in the 80's but is already becoming obsolete. It existed long before it's popularity but the ability to e-mail large documents in a moments notice has begun to replace the fax machine. Also, the push for all data to be digital in the first place has caused the fax to become outdated. The fax machine was an easy way for early writers to submit works to publishers far across the country because a great deal of the entertainment industry was located in either New York or California. Anyone in between had to move, mail, or fax their ideas across the country. The fax is still occasionaly accepted for legal documents where electronics are still not accepted. If anyone pushes for hard copy it's lawyers. The fax gave people an easy medium to send work across state lines and because of that the push for a more effective way became a necessity. The same time period was the early growth of the internet, but it wasn't able to send as much information yet. Now the internets problem has been solved and fax is dying out.

  2. I think the idea of fingerprint will never go away. Because, it one of the most detailed and precise information of data that you can find. Now a day’s fingerprint idea is broadly shared. It’s in movies, TV shows and also commercials. I agree that the way they got results from the prints years ago, now that technique is extinct. Because, the newer techniques are so advanced that, one can just put a data in a computer and bring out any information of that person. So I think this idea will be around us for awhile.

  3. A couple of weeks ago some people at work were talking about how fax machines use to be very expensive. Someone stated that before our company purchased fax machines, they would call a service, like FedEx, who would come pick up the document and take it to their office and would fax it for us. This service would cost around the same price as what we pay today for an overnight package to be delivered. Amazing !!

  4. Office workers are probably the people who appreciate the fax machine the most. Before there were fax machines people had to actually send the papers that they needed someone else to get, now with fax machines it takes about what a minute for the other person to get the fax. It is definitely a lot faster to fax something especially if it is important and needs to get to the person immediately. Having to send it in the mail could take up to weeks for them to get it.

  5. The fax machine is a very cool machine. I have been very fortunate thanks to the fax machine. It helped send very important documents to people for jobs and schollarships, that i might no have got otherwise. It kind of funny now that with a printer comes a scanner and a fax machine. Where would we be without the good old fax machine!!!!

  6. The technology is truly remarkable in a way it evolved over the years. This revolution took part in last half of 20th century. I agree that e-mail has impact on our society. E-mail has changed our way of living. Now, people are so much depended on technology that without technology people would not be able to live. They made some very good point about technology. The technology affects the world in so many different ways that we don’t even know. The technology has taken over in every single aspect of human’s life. Although their theme of the blog is same as ours, they have some very interesting posts. Most of the posts are same as ours but some posts are very different from ours. They have done very fine job of finding and writing about very unique inventions.
