Friday, June 5, 2009

Smoke Signals

As technology has progressed over time, people have grown accustomed to having easy and reliable ways to communicate with one another. Let’s take a minute to look back and imagine how we would communicate without cell phones, computers, or even the postal service. It seems hard to believe that it was even possible. Years ago, Native Americans used smoke signals to relay messages to each other. This is one of the earliest noted forms of visual communication. This worked best when one Indian or group of Indians was higher than the other so that the smoke could be seen. The different tribes would have signal posts where this took place. They would create a signal fire using wet materials that would produce more smoke. To send a message they would pass a blanket or piece of cloth across the fire. This would separate the smoke puffs. Certain spacing or number of puffs relayed different messages. As one would imagine, they could not produce detailed messages in this fashion. This form of communication was not always reliable. The messages were short and to the point. It is said that smoke signals were used between tribes to warn each other of the possibility of attacks or buffalo sightings.
Photo courtesy of


  1. This is a pretty ingenious way of communicating if you think about it. There is really no other way to communicate with someone that wasn't too far away and had no electronics, guns, or anything. This kind of communication is still around today. Navy seals and other soldiers use smoke signals to let helicopter pilots spot them easier. This is helpful if they are trying to get out of a hot spot fast or if they need an injured soldier to be picked up.

  2. Smoke signals were a unique way of communicating for the Indians. I would have to think though that it couldn’t be all that reliable. For some reason if there wasn’t enough space between puffs of smoke or something like that, then a message would be retained wrong. I am not that updated on how the tribes communicate with each other now, maybe they still use the same method because smoke signals are a timeless form of communication. Since there isn’t “technology” used not much has changed on how to make a smoke signal for visual communication, we just couldn’t send verbal messages because we wouldn’t know what it meant. When we see smoke, we assume help is needed. I do know that smoke signals are used in Rome to indicate the selection of a new Pope. The ballots are burned after each vote. Black smoke indicates a failed ballot; white smoke means a new Pope has been elected.

  3. If you think about it what other way could they use way back then? It makes me wonder how reliable it really was. Obviously in would be ineffective during any strong wind. But still this is a creative invention and more refined and adaptive forms are being used today. As the article said it would have to be simple and to the point to be most effective.
