Thursday, June 18, 2009

From Stone Tablets to Typewriters....

It is safe to say that everyone reading this takes advantage of the ability to print multiple copies in just a few minutes. Years ago, people were not so fortunate. At one point in time any type of written material was carved into stone. One can only image how time consuming it was to make a single copy, let alone multiple. With the invention of the pen and paper, things most of us never think twice about, duplications were made even easier. However, each was still written out by hand. Advancements after that consisted of the printing press and type writer. The printing press allowed for mass production of pamphlets, books, magazines and newspaper. It made communication much easier, and quicker. Information could be quickly shared and pass along, however it was on a larger scale. Most printing presses were used by businesses and companies. As the popularity of the printing press grew, the typewriter was invented. This allowed for individuals to type their own ideas and share them. However, not a single one of these methods left much room for error. A small mistake would lead the creator to starting over completely. There was no erase or backspace. Communication has been made much easier with each of these advancements. Information can be published and passed along in more convenient ways.

The video below is an old Jerry Lewis clip about typewriters, its rather amusing. Take a peek!


  1. Very interesting, I never thought about life before paper. It is amazing thought that people still wanted to communicate and be remembered. I can’t imagine having to carve things into stone to get my message across. Perhaps its because it is carved in stone that we have knowledge of it today. In years from now, will paper hold up?

  2. I love the way you incorporated the Jerry Lewis humorous video into your blog about typewriters.There are many typewriters still in use in today's high tech world. There has been an amazing advancement in the evolution of typewriters over the past fifty years from the very heavy weight metal models with round keys to the miracle of correctable typewriters , then word processor typewriters and now personal computers. These advances have certainly revolutionized the speed and accuracy with which we can print and share the written word. Handwritten letters are already becoming collectable, historic documents. Can you imagine a framed, typewritten version of the United States Constitution hanging in Independence Hall? It wouldn't stir nearly the emotion that the old, tattered, handwritten document does.

  3. Amazing how ways of communication and transferring information to hard copy have evolved. People in the past used to appreciate hard copies of texts more than we use to do now day`s. It is so easy to ignore the fact that it takes us nothing to get a typed literature, type text of our own and all this almost in no time. I`m sure that different techniques of typewriting will evolve in the future. Maybe we even will not have to type at all but just to speak and the computer will type for us. This technology is in process of development. Voice waves are still hard to distinct from person to person, but I am sure that scientists will find a method to create a technological tool that will be able make this distinction.
