Friday, August 14, 2009

Glove Phone

Inspector Gadget beware Jason Bradbury's got your number, or at least your ticket on the hand-headset phone That's right, the cellphone glove is a dismantled Bluetooth headset wired into a glove; too bad the the thumb lacks the classic telescoping antenna. Best watch out for this guy, something tells us the next time we see him he'll be biting Maxwell Smart with a Bluetooth headset shoe.
The glove has a slit in the insulation layer, with a zip placed along the palm side of the thumb cover. The zip is partially covered by a removable flap to ensure the zip does not interfere with the normal operation of the glove.

Camera Phone

After hearing the voice of someone on the other line we need to see a visual of that person. The invention of the camera telephone is the device of communication that makes that possible. This telephone makes communication easy and effective around the world.
A telephone comprises a camera, a display and processing and communication circuitry. The camera is located in a first body part of the telephone and the display is located in a second body part of the telephone.
The body parts are joined via a tilt and swivel hinge, which allows movement of the body parts between at least a first and a second position relative to each other. The first relative position is such that the camera and the display are facing in a first direction. The second relative position is such that the camera and the display are facing in substantially different directions. The hinge can actuate electric switching means connected to the circuitry in the telephone when allowing movement of the body parts between the two positions relative to each other. The processing and communication circuitry is configured to detect the actuation of the electric switching means.

Micromedia Paper

What can a piece of paper do? Well technology introduces a new way to use paper. Bringing the concept of moving, talking photos from Harry Potter to real life, this paper-thin media player complete with display, battery, and memory lets you record video. Send it as a greeting card to Grandma and she can watch it without fiddling with a PC or DVD player. A ten pack will sell for around 35 dollars. All the enabling technologies are now in development. Even a sheet a paper can be made to make miracles…. what’s next?

$100 for a laptop

When laptop first came out they were so big and expensive. Now they are small and sufficient. The one laptop available is only 100 dollars...

Laptop Per Child Association, Inc. is a U.S. non-profit organization set up to oversee the creation of an affordable educational device for use in the developing world. The mission for the organization is "To create educational opportunities for the world's poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop with content and software designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning.” This particular laptop is unbreakable and easy to use. It’s a unique organization that makes communication a global necessity.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

RFID Technology

RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification (also referred to as RFID tag) which is basically the use of an object inserted or attached to another object such as an animal or even a human being. This device transmits Radio waves to give a certain location of where the objects are and can be transmitted over several meters. This is a fairly new technology which is used generally for the purposes of inventory in major companies but ultimately its not something that’s unheard of as far as placing these RFID Tags in humans. If not our constitutional right to privacy there would be nothing holding back the government from placing these RFID tags into certain individuals such as AIDS patients. It is scary to think of what will happen ten years down the road as far as how the government could possibly bypass these laws and have society questioning whether the development of this new technology benefited society, or brought society to a disadvantage

Fiber Optic Communication

Fiber Optic Communication is the transmission of information from one place to another by sending a pulse of light using optical fibers which are made up of either glass or plastic fiber. This innovative technology allows for a faster more secure form of transmitting information over greater distances and at higher bandwidths. Although this technology has been around for quite some time now, other than our government, military, and corporate America not everyone has access to such faster more efficient forms of technology. Eventually all of the world will switch to this type of transmission of information to replace the old way of metal wires which can at times lose some information that could ultimately affect the data being streamlined from one location to another. As soon as either this technology becomes more well known or more cost efficient this should revolutionize the way our society transmits information whether through a simple email or even a social setting online such as Twitter.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Quantum Cryptography

Quantum Cryptography uses quantam mechanics to secure telecommunication. Its basically a way of having some sort of security wrapped around a private communication. This evolving Technology allows for the two users who are engaged in a private communication through a key which allows encryption/decryption of a communication the ability to detect another third possible user interested in accessing this private information. Although, this is mostly used by military and high ranking government officials, eventually everyone throughout the world will want this type of security to make them feel at ease about relaying information.

4G Networks

A 4G network is an upgrade from the current 3G network which is designed to assist wireless devices in more proficient usefulness of wireless networks. 4G network services will have faster and clearer service for such things as voice calls, internet usage through a cell phone, along with video calls. It may seem hard to believe that we need faster and clearer reception in our wireless devices but society keeps pushing these advancements to help assist us in our everyday new natural form of communication through cell phones. Therefore, all the major cell phone service providers are looking into getting these 4G networks in the near future, one of which is Verizon Wireless which plans on having the 4G network available on their phones as early as 2010.

Communication in the Classroom

As students we are very used to the concept of a teacher standing in front of the classroom and lecturing. We sit, absorb information through taking notes and then prove ourselves through testing. However, as life becomes more chaotic and college becomes more expensive, many students are looking to online courses. Online courses are relatively new, and most are still working out the kinks. How do you give a test online without the student using his notes? There is no way to make sure. But more importantly, you lose the human to human contact and interaction. You do not develop that relationship with the teacher. It is much more difficult and time consuming to ask a question and get a response. There must be a way around it. New technology is paving the way. At some major Universities, professors are beginning to post videos of themselves lecturing. The online classrooms are becoming more interactive. Who is to say that in the future students will step foot into an actual school? Their work may all be completed over the internet.

An iPhone for Verizon?

Since the Iphone’s release it has only been available to those on the AT&T network. It has lost many potential buyers because it was only available through one retailer. There have been many complaints by Verizon users who wish to purchase the Iphone but cannot due to contract restrictions. Recently Verizon began speaking and negotiating with Apple in attempt to create a phone for their service. This is a fantastic opportunity for Apple to broaden its user base. AT&T is known for having dropped calls and poor service. There are countless amounts of people who would not consider using the iPhone because it is only available through AT&T. There are rumors flying that the new phone would be available to Verizon customers within a year. Pretty exciting!

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Super TV?

Many cable and phone companies are creating packages for their subscribers. Cable TV, Landlines, and Caller ID are just some of the options included in the package. By doing so they are able to intertwine the features. For example, if someone were to call the house phone while you were watching TV the phone number and name of the caller appears across the bottom of the screen. It is possible that in the future we will have “Super TV’s” if you will. They will take the current capabilities one step further. You would be able to talk directly though the television screen. If the technology progresses there could even be a visual image of the person talking. As landlines seem to become a thing of the past, this could be the technology that will replace them.

An easier way to text...

Recently texting has become a very popular form of communication. With the popularity has come many downfalls such as texting and driving. It is senseless and completely unnecessary. States across the country are creating laws that prohibit cell phone use while driving. What if there was a program or tool that would spell out what you spoke into a text? Technology is not too far off. Most cell phones now have a read aloud feature which will open and read an incoming text. A program that typed would be the next step… imagine the convenience it would bring. It would prevent countless accidents yearly.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Holographic Messages

Holographic Messages

"Last month Prince Charles delivered a speech at the
World Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. He didn't have
any slides, and he didn't shake hands or answer questions afterwards. That's
because he was present as a hologram. The speech was recorded in
Gloucestershire, England last year, and was broadcast to the WFES using the
technology of a British company called Musion. Part of the incentive for Charles
to deliver the speech via hologram was to save the 15 tons of CO2 that would
have been expended if he had made the trip in a physical jet. The speech
involved praising the creation of a new carbon neutral city in Abu Dhabi called
Masdar which is currently in development. The city of Masdar will rely entirely
on solar energy, and the first phase of construction is estimated to be
habitable by 2009."

Environmentally helpful and techno-AWESOME! Holographic messages are becoming a tool of the today! Already used in Universal Studios attractions in florida, these realistic holograms are evolving at a rapid pace. Cell phones can now give you the virtual holographic experience as well.
Watch the video below:


Virtual Presence


"A growing number of products are attempting to create a sense of presence where users feel that remote objects are actually nearby, or synthetically created objects actually exist. Creating a sense of presence is often a goal for training simulators and thrill rides as well as virtual reality (VR) systems, home theatres, IMAX films, HDTV, and video arcade games. Remote communications, such as those enabled by videoconferencing systems, also attempt to create a sense that distant users are physically present, or at least can be treated that way during conversations. Creating a sense of presence is felt to be important because it makes products appear more natural, immediate, direct, and real."

Virtual presence is becoming extremely popular in today's society. So far there are a handful of sources of technology that create this "virtual presence," but it can be assumed that the future will bring much more realistic and innovative ways to view "virtual" beings.

Telepathy - The Future of Communication

Telepathy is the direct transference of thought from one person (sender) to another person (receiver) without using normal sensory channels. The ability to communicate on another level than verbal and written - a communication using only your mind. Since the idea of memory implants and other types of implants are becoming more and more popular, so comes the idea of non-verbal communication? Is telepathy in our future, and if so, how will it affect relationships, personalities, and even our society as a whole?

The Future of Cell Phones - Where is it?


Wrap your head around this: As technology gets smaller, faster, more futuristic, imagine yourself connected to a device that doesn’t just lamely hang on your ear but invades your skull!!!

Not yet, but soon, “We’re going to wind up in essence with ‘intelligent earrings,’ ” said Paul Levinson, professor of communications and media studies at Fordham University in New York and author of Cellphone: The Story of the World’s Most Mobile Medium and How It Has Transformed Everything! And then . . .“The size is going to continue to decrease until it disappears,” he says.

Kevin Warwick, a cyborg expert at the University of Reading, England, told the San Francisco Chronicle last year that implants are “the next step” and “a relatively minor one.”

“I think they’ll go internal pretty soon,” Levinson said. “Not in a matter of months. But maybe five or 10 years from now."

Homes of The Future

I don't know about you, but my home is not very smart. It does not know when to start my coffee in the morning or how to clean the floor when little Sophie has an accident. It has difficulty distinguishing between a roaring grease fire and a steamy shower, (which makes it a good thing it can't remember the number to call in an emergency). The only interaction I have with the house is when I must dance the Macarena in front of the motion detector to get my outside lights to come on in my backyard. Imagine if the homes of the future could assist in all of the never-fun-to-do chores around the house, or helped take care of you when in need. Is this what's to come in the future?

Engineering the Smart Home

In creating the home of the future, engineers seek to understand what technologies are best suited for the home and how much technology its residents can tolerate. One way researchers test futuristic home ideas is to build a smart home, then invite people to live in it.

Research is mainly being done in these areas:

Health - Monitoring your health, with emphasis on assisting the elderly.

Networking - Connecting occupants and everything else in the house together.

Interfacing - You and technology living with each other in harmony.

Pervasive Computing - Tiny processing devices everywhere.

Environment - Reducing environmental impact.

Energy - Every home produces its own energy.

Robotics - Robot assisted living. Cleaners, caregivers and companions.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The number of cell phones in the world today is 1.5 billion and growing. Airlines will soon be allowing cell phones on planes. Cities such as Philadelphia and San Francisco have plans to blanket themselves with seamless Wi-Fi networks. Telecoms such as Verizon Communications and SBC Communications are doing trial runs of fiber to the home (FTTH), technology that promises broadband speeds of more than 100 times that of current digital subscriber lines (DSL) or cable. It all adds up to a future flooded with great, big wired and wireless pipelines of data coming at you from all directions in all locations at all times. To some, this will be a wonderland of entertainment and telecommunications possibilities. To others, this will be a nightmare of in-your-face digital annoyances…. I can only imagine what will be next for the cellphone.