Monday, August 3, 2009

The Future of Cell Phones - Where is it?


Wrap your head around this: As technology gets smaller, faster, more futuristic, imagine yourself connected to a device that doesn’t just lamely hang on your ear but invades your skull!!!

Not yet, but soon, “We’re going to wind up in essence with ‘intelligent earrings,’ ” said Paul Levinson, professor of communications and media studies at Fordham University in New York and author of Cellphone: The Story of the World’s Most Mobile Medium and How It Has Transformed Everything! And then . . .“The size is going to continue to decrease until it disappears,” he says.

Kevin Warwick, a cyborg expert at the University of Reading, England, told the San Francisco Chronicle last year that implants are “the next step” and “a relatively minor one.”

“I think they’ll go internal pretty soon,” Levinson said. “Not in a matter of months. But maybe five or 10 years from now."


  1. I remember reading some years back about scientists embedding an audio receiver in a tooth ( Some people seemed tied to their cell phones, now their cell phones will become part of them. This type of technology is both exciting and a little scary at the same time. Implanting technology into the human body holds great promise for the future in the medical field and as well as for commercial/personal use. It will be interesting to see how society accepts implants and their use in the human body. Will it be seen as a loss of our humanity? Will we see the day where there is an AT&T store in our doctor's office offering the latest cell phone implant? I believe in the next 10 years we will see different types of technology implants starting to become available.

  2. I have heard that it is not good to have the cell-phone near your head, while sleeping, because it's UV rays can cause head aches and all sort of pains related to it, it can even lead to brain cancer. I can not imagine having it implanted in my ear. As amazing as this sounds, is it safe? Plus can you imagine yourself walking and talking as if you're talking to yourself? I don't think this is a good idea, but it is creative since everything in the technology world is becoming smaller and less visible.

  3. I really do think this will happen. After all we have the Blue tooth that is worn on our ear. As technology advances all the achievements seem to get smaller and faster. I too worry about the safety issue. If it is the style of an earring then maybe it could be removed when not in use. If it is implanted then I wonder how safe it truly will be. Can it be removed? How do you charge it? I guess we have to wait and see. I can not believe we have become so dependant on cell phones that this would even be an idea for the future.

  4. I think this technology is similar to what we have now, it’s the Bluetooth. I think this is just more advanced and more compact then what we currently have right now. Most likely everyone might use of these in future because Bluetooth technology is the best wireless technology out there. And this technology will be out there in future too. It might get more sophisticated, compact and financially affordable for everyone to use. But far as going for implants, I think that might be the last option for people because it might take a lot more money and people rather just put it on when needed and take it off when it’s done. And that’s might be the way of the future.
