Thursday, July 30, 2009


With computer and internet technology advancements came different types of communications through the internet, one of which is Blogs. A Blog is a contraction of the term weblog; it is basically a website on which commentaries are put along with video’s or even photos of different subjects. The simplest way to put it is a blog is a place on the internet (a webpage) where people can post different things to get some sort of interaction or response from others. It is a more advanced way of communicating on various topics, such as the blog which our class is creating throughout the semester. Now that various blogs exist it is much easier for different people to discuss any type of subject matter which they choose through the internet and most likely since the internet is global they will find someone else who has an opinion on the same subject matter which they are interested in. This is definitely more effective tool that gives people a broader audience to target.

Online dating, is it the wave of the future?

As we move into a time when the internet is not some distant thing that we hear of our government using to communicate but rather something that everyone in society has come accustomed to using so does internet dating. Internet dating has been exploited by various different companies such as Spark Network which holds the popular site and Yahoo Inc.’s to facilitate introductions between different people who are attempting to join the dating market and are trying to go outside the usual spectrum of potential options available to them. In today’s day and age internet dating is of the many different options available to society to help become more globalize. It is amazing to wonder where will sites like these eventually take us into the future as far as what new ways will society come up with to being more accessible to one another from a personal standpoint .

Please view link for more details:


With the evolution of technology satellites have made there way into space to help assist people of different nations in many ways. Although the first satellite was launched in 1957 by the Soviet Union the many developments since than have allowed thousands of satellites to be placed into orbit around the earth to help assist the everyday person in many different such as GPS systems (global positioning system) to help navigate us, allowing the general public the use of cellular phones, and to receive weather information anywhere in the world. Without satellites communication technology we as society would have a huge disadvantage in assisting everyday people with their day to day operations. Furthermore, satellites assist militaries of different nations in defending themselves through constant communication throughout the world with their different branches. The further technology keeps pushing the further our need for faster and more convenient forms of communication and satellites are one of the many keys in communication from past to present to the future

MyYearbook...Younger Generation

MyYearbook is fast becoming the next important competition to Facebook. MyYearbook is a social network aimed at high school students. MyYearbook was initially created by two high school students, David and Catherine Cook, and their older brother Geoff, during Spring Break of 2005. With features like battling others pictures, sending flirts, sending premium gifts, and connecting with people your own age it’s a fast paced phenomenon. Although, with this rising age of “site-meetings” also comes the usual problems. Elderly “creepers” as some term it. This term mearly means that people over the age of forty with a username, but these types have a tendency to flirt with people half their age and try to have an element of being a teenager in their “about me” sections. There’s also the usual annoyances of chain mail, chain flirts, and chain gifts. People with entirely too much time on their hands will continuously send you the same comments (i.e please return comment with a page view. Thanks. = D) every day just so they can swing up their popularity vote. Regardless of the many annoying problems with the site, the theme and reason of the site remains clear. As of now, it’s a relatively safe, easy way to communicate with kids your age in highschool or college.

Bluetooth Part 2

More and more states are beginning to implement rules that force drivers to go hands-free with their cell phones. More specifically, I’m referring to the Bluetooth headsets. The name Bluetooth is really a trademark of the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). “Bluetooth technology is able to unite differing industries such as the cell phone, computing, and automotive markets. Bluetooth wireless technology simplifies and combines multiple forms of wireless communication into a single, secure, low-power, low-cost, globally available radio frequency” (Bluetomorrow). In the early stages of development there were many influential people who doubted Bluetooth and assumed that they would fade into obscurity over the next few years. Surprising many, Bluetooth has taken leaps in the last few years in building their technology. In 2004, Bluetooth version 2.0 + EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) was introduced. “The goal of Bluetooth is to establish a worldwide, universal "language" for devices. Bluetooth uses a standardized wireless protocol for devices to communicate. It forces devices to agree on when bits are sent, how many will be sent at a time, and how the devices in a conversation can be sure that the message received is the same as the message sent. So, you can be positive that any two devices using compatible Bluetooth will definitely be able to communicate with one another” (Bluetomorrow). The advancements that technology has made feel more like a foreign language than a common knowledge. Bluetooths use low power signals, relatively easy to manufacture, and also use low power radio wave signals. “By using the “hopping” method, a device will use one of 79 different, randomly chosen frequencies within an assigned range, and will frequently change frequencies from one to another” (Bluetomorrow). Not only is Bluetooth used as a way to communicate through phones, but also can be used for computers, projectors, and a variety of other things. It’s uses could be continually endless. (and yes, I know someone else did this, I’m elaborating)

Work Cited: "Bluetooth History." Bluetooth Technology - Home. Web. 30 July 2009. .

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Bluetooth technology can be traced back to September 1998 when Bluetooth Special Interest Group started developing technology which to this day assists companies such as Motorola, IBM, Microsoft, and etc. Bluetooth wireless technology is a short range communications system which allows users to replace cables connecting portable and fixed electronic devices. As technology evolves in communication so do societies need to have cheaper and more convenient forms of accessories for their communication devices; from seeing people walking down the street who seem to be speaking to themselves because you cant see the earpiece they are wearing to seeing people communicate through video games such as playstation. Bluetooth technology is quickly growing to becoming the wave of the future.

Hello, Gorgeous!

Like beauty, sleekness is in the eye of the beholder. It's impossible to define easily, but you know it when you see it. It's that feeling in your gut that says, "I don't know what that thing is or what it's supposed to do, but I want one -- now." Technology started with the basics: what we need is what we get. No frills, just facts. By now, the artistic side has kicked in and we have our choice of colors, sizes, and all the bells and whistles. Here are just a few examples of how glam our technology has become.
This, my friends, is the Bang & Olufsen BeoCenter 2 CD/DVD Player. One of a series of audio components in the company's BeoLiving collection that could make an ordinary living room look like something out of "The Jetsons."
And here we have the Samsung BD-P4600 Blu-ray Player. At just 1.5 inches thick, Samsung's BD-P4600 is the slimmest Blu-ray player on the market. The 18-by-8-inch device mounts on the wall below your flat-screen TV or on a table, pumping full-motion 1080p video and Dolby Digital audio to your display.
The Apple MacBook Air Laptop - The sleekest of sleek. When Steve Jobs pulled this paper-thin, titanium beauty out of a plain manila envelope in January 2008, the gasp could be heard from Cupertino to Kalamazoo. The rest of the laptop world has been trying to catch its breath -- and catch up -- ever since.

And finally I give to you Hillcrest Labs' Loop Pointer Remote. Though it may look like a spacecraft, the Loop can be defined as an "in-air mouse" for your TV. An internal gyro tracks your hand movements, letting you point and click your way around the dial. One thing's for sure: You won't confuse it with the seven other remotes cluttering your coffee table.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Skype is a relatively new software that allows people to make telephone calls over the internet. Calls to other subscribers are free, as well as most calls to landlines and cell phones. Skype also has a video chat feature which allows users to communicate by webcam. This provides a live video through the computer screen where people may talk as if they would in person. It is excellent for people trying to keep in touch over long distances. Skype users may also use their instant messaging service which is similar to others like AOL instant messenger. One of the most positive features is the ability to transfer files. It is very convenient and easy. Check out for more information!

OMG! This is TDF! Celly phones...

What is the one thing, that at any age, a person is rarely seen without? The cell phone. The first cell phone was actually made and used by a man named Martin Cooper. His first telephone call? To his rivals at Bell Labs. It’s strange that over 35 years ago the use of a cell phone was a foreign concept. To think someone could walk around outside, away from a chord, and be able to have a conversation with someone was a phenomenon that many people couldn’t fathom. In 1983, Motorola unveiled to the world, the first truly portable cellular phone. It was called the Motorola DynaTAC 8000X. After 100 million dollars spent in research and development and 15 years of getting it ready, the cell phone finally hit the market. They nicknamed it the brick for its 13 x 1.75 x 3.5 inches in size. From there, the rest is history. Cell phones started to develop rapidly and by the 1990’s the second generation (2G) cell phones began to emerge. Nowadays there are so many styles and models to choose from it can be completely overwhelming. We have entered into the 3G model cell phones and development continues to progress. We’ve moved from texting to e-mail to being able to do anything you want that can be done on a computer as well.

Myspace is a popular social networking system. This website allows user to set up an account and create a profile. From here they can find friends or old classmates. It allows users to post information or short blogs. They may also upload pictures, videos or music. Aside from personal accounts, Myspace is used by businesses, corporations and artists to reach new audiences.

iPhone 3G

Apple has recently released a new iPhone through AT&T. There has been much hype surrounding the release. The new iPhone has outstanding capabilities. It has a phone, internet access and an iPod all built into it. The options are endless with its seamless touch screen. You have access to thousands upon thousands of applications. There is an “app” for anything you can imagine. They range from practical to outrageous. Each application allows you to do more with your phone. The new iPhone gives users instant access to their email accounts, calendars and personal contacts. There is a built in camera which takes crystal clear pictures and videos. The touch keyboard is easy to use and comes with a built in spell check. The screen responds to very easily to each flick (moves to next screen), tap (selects item), or pinch (zoom in/out). This phone also recognizes movement as well. It rotates and adjusts depending on how the iPhone is held. The new iPhone is paving the way for convenient communication. Who is to say what will come next.

The video below is a guided tour of the phone.

Friday, July 24, 2009

A "Touchy" Generation

In case you haven't noticed lately, touch-screen phones are in! We're not just talking smart phones like the iPhone either. These touch-screen cellular devices have even narrowed down to the home-style handsets for landlines. Samsung seems to be the father of this generation of touch-screen technology. They have most recently come out with the Samsung Omnia from Verizon Wireless, the Samsung Eternity from AT&T, and the Samsung Memoir from T-Mobile. All of these Samsung touch-screen phones come with Samsung's TouchWiz interface. LG is no slouch either in the touch-screen department. They've just released the LG Versa from Verizon Wireless, which is the first touch-screen handset that comes with optional external modules. But after some comparison shopping it becomes clear that not all touch-screens are created equal. Some won’t work if you have gloves on and some are slow to respond. Touch-screens perform differently from phone to phone because various technologies.

Resistive Touch-screens

The most common type of touchscreen, featured on the LG Dare, Samsung Instinct, HTC Touch Diamond and many other phones, uses “resistive” technology. Resistive screens are comprised of several layers. The top layer, usually a clear polyester film, is flexible. When a finger presses down, the top layer comes in contact with a lower glass layer. The voltage is measured and the location of the press is computed. The downsides to resistive screens include less-than-perfect transparency, scratch-prone surfaces and components that wear out and break over time.
Capacitive Touch-screens
Apple’s iPhone, the G1 and BlackBerry Storm all use the more sophisticated “capacitive” technology. Capacitive touchscreens work well with crystal-clear glass as the touch surface. A circuit board sensor beneath the glass registers changes in electrical capacitance, or charge, when activated by a finger’s electrical charge. The differences between using a phone with capacitive and resistive screens can be striking: the iPhone’s bright, bold display makes the LG Dare or Samsung Instinct seem dim in comparison. The only downside to capacitive touch-screen phones is that a bare finger is required for operation since the body’s electricity is blocked by gloves.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

What is Twitter?

This seems to be a popular question lately…. Twitter is a free social network that allows users to keep up to date with each other. Followers or people who are subscribed to a users account are sent updates as they are posted. These updates or messages are known as “tweets.” These tweets are short bursts of less than 140 characters. They may contain any thought emotion or feeling. Twitter is currently one of the top 50 most visited websites. As it has become more popular, Twitter users can access their accounts more conveniently. Updates can be sent through cell phone texts or applications.
There are many celebrities who use Twitter. Ashton Kutcher is one of the most famous users, he was the first to have 1 million followers. Ellen DeGeneres and Brittney Spears place second and third. Twitter was used during the most recent presidential election as a publicity tactic.

View the video below for an excellent explanation...

Facebook Chat

Recently, Facebook added its very own instant messaging feature. This allows users to check and see who is online or idle. Available users have a green dot next to their name, while those who are idle have a moon displayed. Anyone online is grouped by the user’s preference. They can create groups for family, college friends, and high school friends. This chat feature is very similar to AOL instant messaging. It allows those who are online to talk one on one with multiple people. It is much more convenient and private, compared to sending a full message or leaving a note on someone’s wall. They are working out glitches in how to save the conversation and view history. Rumor has it they are in the process of developing a video chat soon!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

ICQ - the origins of IM

Instant messaging actually came around before the Internet was fully used. The idea was to instantly communicate with someone who was far away. America Online, Prodigy, and CompuServe were the main hosts that people used to communicate online. The more people began to use the Internet, the more demand came for an easy way to communicate and to speak with one another through online resources. Software programmers began to create chat rooms that allowed multiple users, in different parts of the country, to come online and talk to one another. It was in November of 1996 that Instant Messaging (IM) became a big hit. Mirabilis came up with ICQ, which was a free, instant-messaging software that allowed anyone to communicate with another ICQ user. ICQ stood for I-seek-you and used a client to communicate to any other ICQ user. In 1998 AOL took over Mirabilis and became to pioneering engineer to create an IM in real-time data. Communication through the online world began to expand and boom. Nowadays there is hundreds of IM software. The most popular are Yahoo!, AIM, and MSN Messenger. As the IM industry continues to expand the demand for more emoticons (i.e. smiles that show the actual action), bigger noises, and faster response times will increase as well.

The Webcam

Isn’t it much easier to communicate when you see other person on the other end? The webcam invention was a remarkable idea. People around the world are able to communicate and can see each other. It’s true when they say a picture is worth a thousand words.
It started in 1991, the first webcam, called the CoffeeCam, was directed at a coffee pot in a room called the Trojan room, This room was located in the computer science department of Cambridge University. That particular webcam is now considered obsolete and archaic.
People might also use a form of webcams, known as security cameras, in the home to keep an eye on things while they are out of town or even just to see what their pets do all day. The uses of a webcams are limitless. Businesses often use webcams for video conferencing, and webcam technology is used by numerous other entities to give the public access to a variety of information, from weather and traffic to the feeding habits of the most recently acquired zoo animal. Some schools and day care facilities use a webcam to allow parents to see what their children do at school.
Another use for the webcame, one that makes a lot of money and can be illegal, is the use of webcams in pornography. There is a major business where people can access a site, pay a set fee for a set amount of time and watch women, men, couples, anything do as they wish to themselves and each other in whatever ways they please. The business, unfortunately is booming, and depending on your perspective, could be a major drawback of technology evolving and changing.
The webcam basically works by capturing a series of digital images that are transferred by the computer to a server and then displayed to the hosting page. There are even sites that allow users to upload and store their webcam images for free, which many individuals choose to do for personal use.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Addiction

Do you have a facebook? Facebook has become one of the most popular social networks and has gained millions of fans. Who was the brilliant developer of facebook?
Well the free-access social networking website is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. founded by a man named Mark Zuckerberg and two students at Harward University.
In this site, users are able to join networks categorized by city, workplace, school, and region to connect and develop relationships with other people. People are able to add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves.


For most of us, the Blackberry is a moderately new gizmo. While the devices have been around since 1999, they really didn’t start gaining traction until the early 21st century. And even then, Blackberry’s popularity really started its course more recently. The Blackberry, produced by Canadian company research in Motion, uses the same wireless data program as cell phones. The reason why Blackberry became popular was the email capabilities. Although, some people believe that it is more than just a cell phone. It has PDA-style applications such as calendars, messaging, address books and so on, but it is most highly valued for its capability to send and receive email anywhere a wireless network may be accessed. Furthermore, the Blackberry features a QWERTY keypad to make it quicker to send email than with many other handheld cell phones. A key feature for this device is the scroll ball navigation, making it breeze to maneuver through the applications. Some Blackberry models even feature PTT, which is known as Push-To-Talk ability, similar to a walkie-talkie. Also there is the noticeable appeal of the newest technology and features; the Blackberry has a sleek image. It has the capability to be used in many tasks, which a businessperson needs to take care of while they are on the road. The Blackberry’s GRPS and EDGE technologies, along with a great web browser, keep one connected no matter where you may be.

Some may find this a bit offensive. *laughs*

Text Messaging

The first wireless text-messaging services sent messages from paging companies to alphanumeric pagers. Motorola, a leading player in the paging industry, developed technology that consumers, dispatchers, and computers could use to send text messages over its paging networks. There was a limit, only 80 characters or so at a time and a message was sent from the paging network only once despite the fact the pager was turned on or in coverage area of service. There is several ways to send text messages to pagers: Call a dispatcher with your message so that he or she would type it into a paging-specific keyboard attached to dialup to the paging network, purchase a software package prepared purposely for alphanumeric paging, and the Internet became frequently available by visiting a Web site to send a text. Many companies then began giving pagers Internet e-mail addresses to receive e-mail messages and notifications.
Today’s generation grasps the Internet and text messaging with little to no teaching. They know how to use these technology advancements even before they were taught. Text messaging is a tool that youth of today use to express who they are, both literally and figuratively. Furthermore, it is a definite way for the youth to stay in touch. It is also a way to cover up their negative personalities. For example, if an adolescent is shy, by text messaging he or she is less likely to be shy since they aviod confrentation. This new adavanced SMS technology can allow users to order movie tickets, track stock quotes and check bank account balances. Like anything else it has many negatives. For example texting while driving, texting answers to a test, and texting dirty things to friends.