Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Bluetooth technology can be traced back to September 1998 when Bluetooth Special Interest Group started developing technology which to this day assists companies such as Motorola, IBM, Microsoft, and etc. Bluetooth wireless technology is a short range communications system which allows users to replace cables connecting portable and fixed electronic devices. As technology evolves in communication so do societies need to have cheaper and more convenient forms of accessories for their communication devices; from seeing people walking down the street who seem to be speaking to themselves because you cant see the earpiece they are wearing to seeing people communicate through video games such as playstation. Bluetooth technology is quickly growing to becoming the wave of the future.


  1. I love the bluetooth. I use mine everyday. In New Jersey it is illegal to talk on the sell phone. So with the bluetooth i am able to talk to people on the phone safely without having to worry about getting a ticket.

  2. Bluetooth has come a long way, the military and civilians use it everyday, and can be used so many ways. Finally Sony did soemthing that caught on in many diferent ways.

  3. I'm surprised to see that bluetooth has been around since 98. I remember the headsets popping out of nowhere a few years back. A week after that everyone had one.

  4. I think the blue tooth would be a part of science. The reason being is because they are always trying experiments to get things working and that what they were ddoing with the blue tooth. Now they have it for everything. Rather its for your cell phone or you video game theirs a blue tooth.
    By jen Hight
